
I, Landy, born in Singapore under the sign of Cancer, 22 this year, Temasek Polytechnic alumni, bread lover, decided that I'm so cool and you're just jealous.
xoxo, whatever.

-Nah, it's gone. Dont be sad.



hit counter
» woke up.
Friday, May 21, 2010, 1:25 PM
i dont feel like blogging animore. not for this few weeks.
no time, no motivation, no energy, no idea.

dont bother coming to my blog peeps. (:

i wanna change. its gonna be a drastic change, i supposed.
To be more disciplined,
more efficient.
more decisive.
more like a leader.
i wanna find back my past, change my present to become my future. (:
i beginning to dislike the present me, when did i become like this?

last post till june.
take care peeps.

Landy, realised.

» Learning Time Management Skills
Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 8:12 PM
In the end, time management comes down to choices. Good choices lead to better results, while poor choices lead to wasted time and energy.

The good news is that time management skills can be learned and mastered by anyone. All it takes is practice and dedication.

Like any other skill, you can learn time management the easy way or you can learn it the hard way.

The hard way usually involves years of trial and error and lots of false starts trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.

If you'd like to save yourself some time, money and effort, I recommend you try the easy way: learn from someone who has already done it.(me :p)

Makes sense, right?

15 Time Management Tips
In the meantime, here are 15 practical time management tips to help you get started...

1. Write things down

A common time management mistake is to try to use your memory to keep track of too many details leading to information overload. Using a to-do list to write things down is a great way to take control of your projects and tasks and keep yourself organized.

2. Prioritize your list

Prioritizing your to-do list helps you focus and spend more of your time on the things that really matter to you. Rate your tasks into categories using the ABCD prioritization system described in the time management course.

3. Plan your week

Spend some time at the beginning of each week to plan your schedule. Taking the extra time to do this will help increase your productivity and balance your important long-term projects with your more urgent tasks. All you need is fifteen to thirty minutes each week for your planning session.

4. Carry a notebook

You never know when you are going to have a great idea or brilliant insight. Carry a small notebook with you wherever you go so you can capture your thoughts. If you wait too long to write them down you could forget. Another option is to use a digital recorder.

5. Learn to say no

Many people become overloaded with too much work because they overcommit; they say yes when they really should be saying no. Learn to say no to low priority requests and you will free up time to spend on things that are more important.

6. Think before acting

How many times have you said yes to something you later regretted? Before committing to a new task, stop to think about it before you give your answer. This will prevent you from taking on too much work.

7. Continuously improve yourself

Make time in your schedule to learn new things and develop your natural talents and abilities. For example, you could take a class, attend a training program, or read a book. Continuously improving your knowledge and skills increases your marketability, can help boost your career, and is the most reliable path to financial independence.

8. Think about what you are giving up to do your regular activities

It is a good idea to evaluate regularly how you are spending your time. In some cases, the best thing you can do is to stop doing an activity that is no longer serving you so you can spend the time doing something more valuable. Consider what you are giving up in order to maintain your current activities.

9. Use a time management system

Using a time management system can help you keep track of everything that you need to do, organize and prioritize your work, and develop sound plans to complete it. An integrated system is like glue that holds all the best time management practices together.

10. Identify bad habits

Make a list of bad habits that are stealing your time, sabotaging your goals, and blocking your success. After you do, work on them one at a time and systematically eliminate them from your life. Remember that the easiest way to eliminate a bad habit, it to replace it with a better habit.

11. Don’t do other people’s work

Are you in the habit of doing other people’s work because or a ‘hero’ mentality? Doing this takes up time that you may not have. Instead, focus on your own projects and goals, learn to delegate effectively, and teach others how to do their own work.

12. Keep a goal journal

Schedule time to set and evaluate your goals. Start a journal and write down your progress for each goal. Go through your goal journal each week to make sure you are on the right track.

Keeping a journal on your computer has never been easier!

13. Don’t be a perfectionist

Some tasks don’t require your best effort. Sending a short email to a colleague, for example, shouldn’t take any more than a few minutes. Learn to distinguish between tasks that deserve to be done excellently and tasks that just need to be done.

14. Beware of “filler” tasks

When you have a to-do list filled with important tasks, be careful not to get distracted by “filler” tasks. Things such as organizing your bookcase or filing papers can wait until you tackle the items that have the highest priority.

15. Avoid “efficiency traps”

Being efficient doesn’t necessarily mean that you are being productive. Avoid taking on tasks that you can do with efficiency that don’t need to be done at all. Just because you are busy and getting things done doesn’t mean you are actually accomplishing anything significant


» Narcissism
Sunday, May 16, 2010, 11:51 PM
i looked at the mirror, and find myself quite pretty. HAHA.
oh my. im falling in love with myself. what the dots.

Pimple pimple go away, never come back again. :D

this is uber short post. and i gonna lock my blog. HAHAHA...

not locking. blah.

landy, high.

» Poor me
Thursday, May 13, 2010, 11:38 PM
i think my post is getting wordy as it progress. haha.
not gonna change my style of blogging. dots..

and why did i said poor me? cos my shoulder is aching like siao. :(
headache come back to disturb me.
i have lots work to complete!
this is awesome irritating.

i want eat muaji! i gonna get it tmr! buahahahaha... ;p

i think i going insane by the rate i doing my work.
oh man. this cant go on. i said i gonna buck up, didnt i?

a short post. haha.

Landy, tired.

» What i truely is
Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 4:18 PM
woah, NLS lab is fast.
Time used : 1 hr 5min.
Duration of lab 3 hrs.
What does this imply?
i have time to blog. :D

like what i had said in the previous few posts, i had been busy. i was so busy that i neglected alot of things, including ppl. This few days, i finally free to do the things i long wanted to do, such as packing my table. HAHA.
And is becos i am so free, my mind is running wild from thinking. i settled down to think, and the train of tots scare me.
maybe i should not have been so frenly from the start. i should have continue my years of loneliness. i have always been doing things alone. why must i change? do i really desire the company of frens? well, been drifting away from frens whom i have been close with. it happens everytime. so why am i feeling so sad, when i am supposed to be used to it? i let down my guard, i forgot to protect myself. and im hurt again. this time wasnt as hurtful as previous few times. maybe becos the cycles repeated itself too much, i felt numbed. And now, i dont even know should i type it down, my words are incoherent now. i dont know what i am typing. but i just wanna type.
i think communication between ppl is important. i lack of that. i wish my communication skill were much stronger. well, that doesnt change my thinking of human being ugly, not all, just some. why do i always going through all this? am i having some mental disorder? is it becos i have poor control over my emotion? why do i feel down so easily? why am i so weak? why? i guess what i needed most is a listening ear and a caring heart.
i dont wanna look tired.
i dont wanna look stressed.
i dont wanna be stressed either!
i dislike this phrase of life, i wanna get out of this.
who can i turn to?
im not close to any of my family to say the fact.
im not close to any fren whom i can pour my heart out.
im not close to anyone.
i am alone.
sometimes, my mind just contradicts itself so much, i want this yet i want that. its screwing me. i cant stop it. i wanna suicide yet i dont wanna die. i dont like all this cos it torturing me,but i need all this, it train me.
its been long time since i really complain. i like to vent things out. i like to just voice it out. ppl around me dont like. :(
i changed. i am like a nth in anywhere.
only i cant do without myself. haha. obvious.
well, i am really thinking alot, aint i?
and i shall continue with my report. i dont wanna think anymore.
in the end, i have myself. (:

Tzyy Wei, Out.

» wanted but cant...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 11:08 PM
haha, i wanna to blog but its late. is 11.07 pm right now. i going offline soon so i will just forget abt blogging and go offline. haha. this is seriously retard cos i login wanting to blog yet i didnt managed too. if i were to blog seriously, it will take at least 15 minutes, i dont have that time. so sorry. so yeah, im writing chunks of craps. i didnt expect you to continue reading so you can stop now. yeah and so, imma going to offline and yeah! you still reading, how cute can you be? haha. and time now is 11.11pm. so i blogged for 4 minutes ++++ and i shall not continue and go offline. thanks for reading this chunk of i-dont-know-what-i-am-typing post. (:

Tzyy Wei, Insane.

» school day
Monday, May 10, 2010, 9:50 PM
After so long, i finally feel that i am actually studying. Just that, by the end of the day, i am exhausted.
It is only when i start to have quizzes, thn i start studying. laughs.
The feelings is very different. i used to be very tensed whenever there is tests or quizzes. As years goes back, i getting less excited. It is as though the motivation to work hard, to be top, is gone.

i had not given up on myself, will never allow that to happen.

Tzyy Wei, tired.

Saturday, May 8, 2010, 2:40 PM
Chain of thoughts running through my mind.
i will very much want to blog it out, confined by my poor command of english, i afraid cant.

My FPQA groupmates are going to complete the project report by today. i am not there. what did i do for this project? i think nothing. i have not been around to do even my part to this project. Initially was because i was away to help my CCA and when i came back, i do not have the slightest idea of what's going on. i tried to catch back. i managed to in the end. And then, i do not have the energy to continue. i drained myself too much. i know if i were to go for today meeting( although is the final), i will faint, for real.

Over the years, my time management skill did not really improve. what a joke. It has been bad, now it kind of worsen, i think. i hate to say, but is due to my untrained self-discipline and indecisive-ness. i could have just go when i supposed to and not hesitate if i should. i could have just left and not stayed cos i wanna have fun. i could have...but i didnt. Time is over-spend here.

(my chain of tot are distracted.)

Its going to be the 4th weeks since school reopen. i would say it had been hectic. i didnt have time to sort my thinking, my feelings, my everything. The last 4 weeks were like wind. i couldn't remember what i really did for the past few weeks. i may be able to if i think harder. I hope i will be more conscious at the start of 4th week, with lesser things bugging me. i will need to prioritize. i hope i have the time, no, i will have the time. (:

Holiday mood are gone by now. Time for schoolwork. :D


Monday, May 3, 2010, 11:50 PM
i am biting my nails.
i bite my nails when im nervous or stressed or thinking about sth.
and when i bite my nails, it becomes ugly.
i have to cut my nails cos its ugly. :(

Today was awesome. (though i kept biting my nails)
spend my evening with a very adorable girl.
we chatted and laughed and chatted and laughed till 8pm before we leave the meeting room.
We both agreed that we are lagging behind our studies. HAHA.
i seriously need to buck up on my studies.
Its already week 3!
week 7 is term test yo!

Have a nice chat with this girl girl. ( wondering if u read my blog.. :x )
Haha, and yeah, was thinking abt what i am supposed to do.
i kept forgetting what i wanna do. -.-

Everyone is telling me, they went to watch movie.
i wanna watch too. :(

okay, im tired. i should slp soon.

I want the memory bread from Doreamon. :(

Tzyy Wei, off.